Friday, March 1, 2013

February Spanish Update!

What did the students learn this month in Spanish?

La Clase de Kindergarten

The students learned new vocabulary words related to February and the emotions. New vocabulary words include corazon, chocolates, tarjetas, flores, besos and cupido.  We played memory games and created a book with the new vocabulary words.

 La Clase de Primer Grado

This month, the First Graders learned February vocabulary words and continued with the names of the months.  They played games (memory, telephone and Simon Dice) and reviewed the numbers 1-30.  New vocabulary words include rojo, rosado, besos, tarjetas, corazon, chocolates and rosas.

La Clase de Segundo Grado

This month, the Second Graders learned February vocabulary words and made cards to express kind words in Spanish to someone special.  We also started a new theme about farm animals, with a new song called “Vengan a Mi Granja.”

La Clase de Tercer Grado

This month, the Third Graders reviewed Spanish words and phrases related to the month of February.  They were very engaged making cards to express kind words in Spanish to someone special.  We continued working to wrap up the unit covering items in the house.

La Clase de Cuarto Grado

This month, the Fourth Grade classes did an impressive job with their Power Point presentations, booklets, and posters relating to animals that live in the regions of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain.  They also did an extraordinary job using Voice Thread technology.  Their voices sounded like native speakers.  Gracias to all of the Fourth Graders and Ms. Sachdeva for making this happen in her technology lab.

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