Friday, March 30, 2012

Spanish March Update!

Felíz Primavera!!  Happy Spring! Here are some updates from the Spanish room.

La Clase de Kindergarteners

The kindergarteners have been currently learning the numbers 1-20 followed by the song “Cuenta” (count). They had a great time learning the farm animals too. We are now learning what they want to eat (Quiero___. I want___).  In our circle time continue reviewing the weather, days of the week and numbers.

La Clase de Primer Grado
The First Grade students last month they learned the parts of a penguin and also what penguins do.  This month we learned the farm animals working on the foods using the command: Quiero comer (I want to eat____.) also Me gusta comer___. (I like to eat___.)  They will be creating flash cards that will be sent home to review the vocabulary learned.  Expect to see them come home.

 La Clase de Segundo Grado
The Second Graders will be making flashcards to take home to practice their Spanish vocabulary. You can expect to see the flashcards coming home frequently throughout the rest of the year. They also enjoy using the flashcards for group activities in class. This month the students learned the farm animals and danced and sang with the song Vengan a mi granja                      (Come to my farm). We are also reviewing the numbers, the seasons, and the month of the year with worksheets and songs.

La Clase de Tercer Grado
This month, the Third Graders learned vocabulary about what they like to eat, including fruits, vegetables, and other foods. They will also learn to set the table by learning the Spanish names for all of the utensils needed. The Third Graders are very excited to learn all about the foods because they will be creating a small mercado (market) using a type of clay called “migajon” to make miniature food.
La Clase de Cuarto Grado
This month, the Fourth Grade classes have completed Unit 3 they learned and reviewed the days of the week and added new vocabulary like la proxima semana(next week), el fin de semana(the weekend).  We also talked about going to places: la escuela, la tienda, el museo, el parque etc. including when you do go on different days of the week.  ¿Cuándo vas? When do you go? Now the Fourth Graders will be moving forward to Unit 4 in April.

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