Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Update K-4th Grade

Hola, It is now the end of the year and I am very pleased to see how much Spanish each of the students from OWS has learned from September through December.  I have observed them in the hallways using some Spanish words in their conversations or when they see me around school, they greet me in Spanish.  Thank you very much for work at home practicing Spanish with your children.  Have wonderful Winter Holidays and a Happy New Year!


This month, the students are learning December words; reviewing the numbers 1 - 20, greetings, colors, the days of the week, the months, and introducing themselves.  We will also be talking about the traditions and celebrations that are celebrated in Latin America and Spain, including songs and chants that are performed by children.

December Words

·         familia                         family

·         candelas                      candles

·         hace frio                      it’s cold

·         regalos                                    presents

·         nieve                           snow

·         hombre de nieve         snowman
First Grade:
This month the First Graders are learning December words, continuing to add more family members to their vocabulary, and reviewing the numbers 1-30.  We will talk about the different traditions Latin American cultures participate in during the holidays and what kinds of foods they eat together.  We will also read and listen to traditional songs performed by children in Latin America and Spain.

December Words

·         familia                         family

·         regalos                                    presents

·         candelas                      candles

·         luces                            lights

·         chocolate caliente      hot chocolate

·         nieve                           snow

·         hace frio                      it’s cold

·         Felices Fiestas             Happy Holidays
Second Grade:
The Second Graders are learning December words and the clothing.  We also reviewed the numbers and the months of the year.  We are talking about the celebrations of Latin American cultures, such as Las Posadas in Mexico.  We are also reading stories and listening to songs performed by children in Latin America.

December Words

·         familia                         family

·         regalos                                    presents

·         candelas                      candles

·         luces                            lights

·         chocolate caliente      hot chocolate

·         nieve                           snow

·         bola de nieve              snowball

·         hombre de nieve         snowman

·         hace frio                      it’s cold

·         diferentes comidas     different foods

·         Felices Fiestas             Happy Holidays
Third Grade:
This month the Third Graders are also learning December words and continuing with the parts of the house.  We are talking about the different cultural traditions Latin American families participate in during the holidays and what kinds of foods they eat together.  We are also reading and listening to traditional songs.

Fourth Grade:
The Fourth Graders are doing an amazing job completing their projects involving describing animals from Latin America or Spain.  The presentations are very fun to witness, and you can tell how hard they worked on them.  Thank you for helping to make these presentations a success!  The presentations will continue through the beginning of January of next year.  Ms. Sashdeva (the Technology Specialist) collaborated with us by teaching the students how to use Voice Thread to record their voices and talk about the animals they selected in class.  You can listen online to your child’s description of their chosen animal in Spanish by using the link and password provided by Ms. Sashdeva.  

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